
From 2018 to 2020, Joe Taveras traveled around the globe spreading the world's first personal robot, Temi. As Marketing Director of Temi, Joe was tasked with incorporating the technology in a variety of industries including retail, hospitality, healthcare, and more. After teaching himself how to code, Joe led app development efforts for the company to successfully ideate, design, build, and deliver over 50 robot applications - all at the age of 22. Racking up over 150,000 miles of travel with the robot, Taveras was brought face-to-face with experimental technologies in Japan, Australia, Vancouver, and Berlin to name just a few places. Aside from exposure to these innovations, he also got an opportunity to meet some of his biggest inspirations including Kanye West at CES Las Vegas (2019), Travis Scott at Art Basel Miami (2019), Jack Dorsey at TED in Vancouver (2019), and many more.